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Gray's Woods PTO Fundraising

As the PTO board, we do everything possible to be excellent stewards of the funds entrusted to us for the good of our school. Each year, PTO funds provide school supplies to the classrooms, send students on field trips, host activities such as Muffins for Mom, Donuts with Dad, invite a Visiting Author and many more wonderful opportunities for your kids.

In order to provide these opportunities for our children and school, we must raise money. Throughout the year, we will host several fundraisers such as selling Marianna's Hoagies, Gardner's Chocolate, and more; No-cost fundraisers like Boxtops for Education, store rewards, Spring Pictures; and others such as the Wolf Pack Challenge.

We appreciate that some families prefer not to participate in organized fundraising. For that reason, we respectfully request your family consider how you could help our school continue to have the PTO funds available to support students and staff. If you prefer not to participate in organized fundraising, please consider a one-time donation to the PTO.

The suggested donation amount is $40/child or $55/family, but a donation in any amount is appreciated!

You may send a check in your child's backpack (in an envelope with "PTO" on the front) or send your donation through Paypal (choose pay or send money / choose send money to friends or family / enter / specify your amount).


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